국제 FOSS4G 서울 대회 발표 접수 연장 안내OSGeo 소식 2015. 4. 29. 18:33
국제 FOSS4G 서울 대회 발표 접수가 오는 5월 15일까지 연장되었기에 알려 드립니다.
학술 초록 접수 또한 같은 날인 5월 15일에 마감됩니다.
국제 FOSS4G 서울 대회에서 발표하시고자 하시는 모든 분은 5월 15일까지 발표/초록 접수를 마쳐 주시기 바랍니다. http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/presentations/
향후 주요 일정 안내:
– 구두 발표 접수 마감: 5월 15일
– 학술 초록 접수 마감: 5월 15일
– 발표자 및 학술 초록 선정 결과 공개 : 6월 15일
– 조기 등록 마감, 6월 22일
– FOSS4G 프로그램 초안 공개, 6월 29일
– 선정 초록 전문 논문 접수 마감, 8월 15일
– FOSS4G 시작 : 9월 14일Presentation Deadline Extended!
FOSS4G Seoul team would like to announce you that Call for Presentation deadline has been extended. Presentation submission will close on 15th, May. If you haven’t submitted your presentation topics yet, please submit your topics through FOSS4G Seoul 2015 official website. http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/presentations/
Do not miss the date to present your paper at FOSS4G Seoul 2015, the first time in Asia!
Conference Registration & Hotel Reservation Open!
FOSS4G Seoul conference registration has been opened from 9th, April.
For your convenience, Hotel Reservation is now available.
Early bird registration is just USD440 for 3 days of main conference, and USD100 for half-day of top notch workshops from the world's best international presenters. Also there is special rate for participants who reside in Low or Lower-Middle Income Economies.
There is ‘Travel Grant Donation’ option in on-line registration page. 'Travel Grant Donation' will be used for students from developing countries or participants who will be attending FOSS4G Seoul 2015. Please feel free to donate.
* Information about Travel Grant receive will be announced in a few weeks.
Call for Academic Track
Don’t miss your great chance to present or show off your recent accomplishments at FOSS4G Seoul!
Are you planning to present at this years conference? If so, don't wait until you have your abstract finalised to tell us about it! Go to the submission website now (http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/academic-track/) and enter your name and contact details and at least a title. Then, closer to the close-off date, log back in and fill out the abstract details. This will be a big help for the organisers as it will give us some advanced notice as to how many and what type of presentations to expect. For the Academic Track, there will be “Student Awards” at the FOSS4G Seoul conference with contribution from GeoCat’s €1,500, OSGeo’s $1,000 and FOSS4G Seoul LOC’s $1,500.
Call for Presentation/Abstract will be closed on 24th April.
Upcoming Milestones**
– Regular Track Presentation Deadline, 15th May
– Academic Abstract Submission Deadline, 15th May
– Presentation Selection Results, 15th June
– Academic Track Review Decisions, 15th June
– Early Bird Registration Discount Ends, 22nd June
– Preliminary Program Decisions Made & Posted, 29th June
– Full Paper Submission of Selected Abstracts, 15th August
– Conference Begins, 14th September
For more information or to keep informed from the FOSS4G Seoul team, join our email list(foss4g2015@lists.osgeo.org) or Facebook(https://www.facebook.com/foss4g2015), Twitter(https://twitter.com/foss4g).
All the best,
Contact Information
Tel.: +82 2 6288 6324
Fax: +82 2 6288 6399
Email: programme_foss4g2015@meci.kr
4F, Sungji Building 837-16, Bangbae 4-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul 137-835, Republic of Korea'OSGeo 소식 ' 카테고리의 다른 글
국제 FOSS4G 서울 대회 커뮤니티 보팅 시작!! (0) 2015.05.27 Announcing the Travel Grants Programme at FOSS4G Seoul 2015 (0) 2015.05.07 국제 FOSS4G 서울 대회 발표 모집 마감일 및 워크샵 선정 결과 안내 (0) 2015.04.17 FOSS4G 서울 대회 등록 시작. 그리고 워크샵 선정 결과 안내 (0) 2015.04.13 FOSS4G 서울 대회 논문 및 발표자 모집 시작 (0) 2015.02.24