FOSS4G 서울 대회 논문 및 발표자 모집 시작OSGeo 소식 2015. 2. 24. 07:02
안녕하세요? OSGeo 한국어 지부 대표 신상희입니다.
설 명절은 잘들 보내셨는지요?
다름이 아니라 올해 우리나라에서 개최되는 FOSS4G 서울 대회의 논문 및 발표자 모집이 시작되었기에 알려 드립니다.
1. 학술 초록 제출(Academic Track Abstract)
- 마감일: 4월 24일
- 학술 논문 중 우수 초록은 선정하여 저명한 국제 학술지를 통해 퍼블리싱 예정
- Peer review를 통해 선정
- 제출처 및 학술 논문 제출과 관련한 상세 내용은 http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/academic-track/ 참조
2. 구두 발표 신청(Regular Session Presentations)
- 마감일: 4월 24일
- 오픈소스GIS와 관련된 개발 관련, 기술 동향, 구축 사례, 정책, 교육 등에 대해 자유롭게 발표
- Community Voting으로 선정
- 제출처 및 구두 발표 신청과 관련한 상세 내용은 http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/presentations/ 참조
3. 워크샵 제안(Technical Workshop Proposal)
- 마감일: 3월 23일
- 자신이나 팀이 개발하고 있는 오픈소스GIS 소프트웨어를 타인에게 강의하는 것을 제안
- Workshop Committee에서 선정
- 제출 방식 및 워크샵 신청과 관련한 상세 내용은 http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/workshop/ 참조
4. 학생 논문(발표) 시상
- 네델란드 회사인 GeoCat의 1,500유로, OSGeo Foundation의 1,000달러, 그리고 FOSS4G 서울 조직위의 1,500달러를 합해서 우수 학생 논문(발표) 시상에 사용키로 함.
- 우수 학생 논문(발표) 선정 방식에 대해서는 추후에 발표 예정
5. 포스터 및 지도 경진 대회(Map Competition)
- 추후에 다시 포스터 및 지도경진대회 공지 예정
우리나라의 많은 분들이 FOSS4G 2015 서울 대회에서 발표했으면 합니다.
신상희 드림.
FOSS4G 2015 Call for Presentations/Abstracts/Workshops
Dear all,
The International FOSS4G(http://2015.foss4g.org/) organising committee is pleased to announce the Call for Presentations/Abstracts/Workshops for the 2015 conference to be held in Seoul, Republic of Korea (September 14th – 19th).
The annual International FOSS4G(Free Open Source SW for Geospatial) conference is the largest global gathering focused on open source geospatial solution. FOSS4G brings together developers, users, decision-makers and businessmen from a broad spectrum of organisations and fields of operation. Through six days of workshops, presentations, discussions and code sprint, FOSS4G participants create effective and relevant geospatial products, standards, human networks and business opportunities.
** Call for Presentations **
Deadline: 24th April
For complete details, please visit Regular Session CFP page, http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/presentations/ .
After the deadline there will be a community voting mechanism to help select the final program. We expect we could have around 200 presentations during the conference showing the uses of open-source geospatial software in various fields and benefits of open-source geospatial software. We will be having 6~8 parallel streams in a range of subjects from diverse fields. Each individual presentations will be allowed about 25 minutes and 5 minutes for Q&A.
** Call for Abstracts(Academic Track) **
Deadline: 24th April
For complete details, please see the Academic Track CFP (http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/academic-track/) .
Your contributions will be reviewed (double-blind) by a committee of geospatial experts, who will assess the abstracts on originality and academic rigour, as well as interest for the wider FOSS4G community. Academic Committee will make efforts to get selected abstracts published in reputed academic journals.
And there will be “Student Awards” at the FOSS4G Seoul conference with contribution from GeoCat’s €1,500, OSGeo’s $1,000 and FOSS4G Seoul LOC’s $1,500. FYI, OSGeo will spend $10,000 for “Student Awards” at various FOSS4G events(i.e. local, regional) for the year. More details about “Student Awards” will be announced later.
** Call for Workshops **
Deadline: 23rd March
For complete details, please visit our Workshop page.(http://2015.foss4g.org/programme/workshop/)
Workshops are half(4 hours) or full-day(8 hours) hands-on experiences with participants following along with an instructor. Workshops will be run by experienced members of the open source community, and sometimes by the actual developers. As such, they are a fantastic opportunity to learn new skills or take your first steps into the world of Open Source GIS.
Workshops are a very popular part of FOSS4G, and demand always outstrips supply. We are looking for dynamic instructors on a variety of topics.
** Call for Posters/Call for Maps **
Call for Posters/Maps will be announced later with details.
We hope many proposals and submissions from all around the world.
Best regards,
Sanghee Shin, Chair of FOSS4G 2015 Seoul
"Toward Diversity! FOSS4G Bigbang from Seoul!"
Twitter: @foss4g
Facebook: FOSS4G2015
email: foss4gchair@osgeo.org
'OSGeo 소식 ' 카테고리의 다른 글
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