
  • Announcing the Travel Grants Programme at FOSS4G Seoul 2015
    OSGeo 소식 2015. 5. 7. 20:48

    경제적인 사정으로 FOSS4G 서울 대회에 참가하기 어려운 개도국 참가자들을 위해 Travel Grant 프로그램을 시행합니다. Travel Grant 프로그램은 여러분의 작은 기부를 모아 진행될 예정입니다. FOSS4G 서울 대회 등록하실 때 작은 금액이나마 기부를 해 주시면 이 돈을 모아 개도국 학생, 여성들의 참가를 지원하는데 사용하도록 하겠습니다. 

    Travel Grants

    As follow last year’s FOSS4G Travel Grant Programme, and to make sure that as many deserving people as possible can attend FOSS4G, we appreciate to continue this programme at FOSS4G Seoul 2015.


    How can I help?

    Demand for travel grants is fast outpacing funds. The organizing committee has set aside some money, but we can’t set aside nearly as much as we would like. To that end, we are asking you to donate to the cause. When you register for the conference or workshops, we have included a donation option. 100% of the donated money (less transaction fees) will be dedicated to our travel grant fund. Please add a donation to your registration to help us improve our community.

    If you would like to support increasing access to FOSS4G, you can donate to the travel grant fund when you register, or make a stand-alone donation here. We greatly appreciate your support.


    What is included?

    Travel grants include a complimentary admission to the main conference, and four nights in a hotel if applicants request lodging and funds allow. Airfare and any transportation will not be included.
    * Please make sure that you are required to pay USD50 when you register for promise that you will attend the conference.


    Who is eligible?

    The travel grants are available to anyone, but their purpose is to help those attend who would not have otherwise been able to. If you have the means to attend on your own, please do not apply.

    Because we believe that a diverse community is a stronger community, we firstly would like to dedicated our funds for students, women and minority attendees from low-income economies and lower-middle income countries(according to the world bank – http://data.worldbank.org/about/country-and-lending-groups) – these people have been traditionally underrepresented in the open source community and we believe it is important to work to bring that to an end.


    How do I apply?

    Application process will be open May 11th until May 29th on FOSS4G Seoul 2015 website. Please download and fill the application form on website, and send it to the FOSS4G Seoul 2105 committee(foss4g2015-info@osgeo.org) with title head [Travel Grants]. Application should be filled with “Why I should attend FOSS4G Seoul 2015?” and/or “How I have contributed open source community”. If applicants are from low-income economies or lower-income economies, it is required to submit the applications with the scan of your Passport. All applicants have been notified of the status of their application.

    Applicants who submitted Abstract or Presentation will be preferred for the selection.

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