International FOSS4G 2012 Conference 취소 안내OSGeo 소식 2012. 7. 10. 19:05
오는 9월 10일부터 15일까지 북경에서 열릴 예정이었던 FOSS4G 2012 컨퍼런스가 북경 주최측의 사정으로 공식 취소되었습니다.
혹시나 올해 북경 행사에 참석할 예정이었던 분은 대안으로 9월 17일부터 19일까지 베트남 하노이에서 개최되는 Asia
GeoSpatial Forum의 Open Source GIS 세션을 생각해 보시기 바랍니다.
아시아에서 열리는 최초의 FOSS4G 컨퍼런스로서 많은 기대를 했습니다만, 지역조직위의 준비 부족으로 결국 최소되고 말아 많이 아쉽습니다.
북경 조직위의 공식적인 입장은 아래 메일을 참고하시기 바랍니다.
OSGeo 한국어 지부 신상희
Dear OSGeo Board,
With great regret, the FOSS4G Beijing Local Organizing Committee (LOC) has made the difficult decision of cancelling the event due to a lack of financial resources and the unexpected withdrawal of the Professional Conference Organizer. Please officially approve our decision and advise any procedures we may need to follow to minimize the impact on the community.
We also wrote letter for FOSS4G Beijing 2012 potential participants, we will publish this announcement on the foss4g2012 website and e-mail them after we get feedback from Board.
Dear Participants of FOSS4G Beijing 2012,
With great regret, the FOSS4G Beijing Local Organizing Committee (LOC) has
made the difficult decision of cancelling the event due to a lack of
financial resources and the unexpected withdrawal of the Professional
Conference Organizer. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this has
For those interested in FOSS4G events, the LOC suggests consider:
* FOSS4G 2013, to be held in Nottingham, United Kingdom, 2013
* The Asian Geospatial Forum, September 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam, which will
have an OSGeo session. http://www.asiageospatialforum.org/
Thank you for your patience and support!
Best regards,
FOSS4G Beijing 2012 LOC
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