
  • GeoExt 2.0.0 released
    OSGeo 소식 2013. 10. 29. 02:39

    The GeoExt community is proud to announce the release of GeoExt 2.0.0.

    Download it at https://github.com/geoext/geoext2/releases/tag/v2.0.0

    GeoExt 2.0.0 is the first official GeoExt version that is built atop of OpenLayers 2.13.1 and ExtJS 4.2.1. It is being released 2 weeks after release candidate 1 was published and no serious bugs were discovered. 

    GeoExt 2 has been in the making for quite a while, but most of the code comes from a code sprint in Bonn, Germany, that happened last year [1].

    The newest major version of GeoExt wants to provide mostly the same API you know and love from the 1.x-series. It comes with support for the autoloading-mechanism of ExtJS, support for the single-file build tool of sencha and with exhaustive documentation that is built using the same tools that the mother library ExtJS uses (see [2] and [3]).

    This release wouldn't have been possible without the sponsors [4] of the above mentioned sprint. Also we want to thank the companies behind the contributors of GeoExt for supporting GeoExt development in numerous ways and for such a long time.

    We invite you all to use GeoExt 2!

    To do so, download GeoExt 2.0.0 from [5] and use it in your OpenLayers 2.13.1 and Ext JS 4.2.1 powered webpage by telling the autoloading-mechanism of Ext about GeoExt:


      enabled: true,

      paths: {

        GeoExt: "path/to/geoext2/src",

        Ext: "path/to/extjs/src"



    Have a look at the examples and additional information listed at the GeoExt 2 website over at github: http://geoext.github.io/geoext2/

    We are looking forward to your feedback on this release.

    [1] https://github.com/geoext/geoext2/wiki/GeoExt-2-Code-Sprint

    [2] http://geoext.github.io/geoext2/docs/ (only GeoExt classes)

    [3] http://geoext.github.io/geoext2/docs-w-ext/ (GeoExt and ExtJS


    [4] https://github.com/geoext/geoext2/wiki/GeoExt-2-Code-Sprint#sponsors

    [5] https://github.com/geoext/geoext2/releases/tag/v2.0.0


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